9-year-old Ezra Blount lost his life after attending Travis Scott’s 2021 Astroworld Festival. Blount was the youngest of ten people killed from the massive crowd surge that took place on November 5 in Houston.

According to reports, Ezra Blount’s loved ones turned down an offer from Travis Scott to pay for the child’s funeral services. Scott’s attorney, Daniel Petrocelli, wrote a letter to the Blount family.

The Blounts’ lawyers, Bob Hilliard and Ben Crump, were apparently contacted by Scott’s legal team on November 24. Ezra Blount’s funeral took place on November 23.

“Your client’s offer is declined. I have no doubt Mr. Scott feels remorse. His journey ahead will be painful. He must face and hopefully see that he bears some of the responsibility for this tragedy,” read a response from Bob Hilliard.

Hilliard continued, “There may be, and I hope there is, redemption and growth for him on the other side of what this painful process will be — and perhaps one day, once time allows some healing for the victims and acceptance of responsibility by Mr. Scott and others, [Ezra Blount’s father] Treston and Mr. Scott might meet, as there is also healing in that.”

Ezra Blount’s family sued Travis Scott, his Cactus Jack Records label, Live Nation, and other defendants for gross negligence. Scott is facing numerous lawsuits from Astroworld festivalgoers claiming they were badly injured or emotionally scarred by what local police called a “mass casualty event.”