The ever-changing story of alleged child molestation involving David “Doodie Lo” Saulassberry, Brittney “FTN Bae” Reed, and a five-year-old boy named Wesley continues to play out on social media.

Overnight, news broke that FTN Bae issued a video apology for accusing Doodie Lo of sexually assaulting her child. Doodie Lo, a member of Lil Durk’s OTF collective, apparently passed a lie detector test which prompted FTN Bae’s public mea culpa.

However, just hours later, FTN Bae is now claiming she was forced to make that statement about Doodie Lo. The influencer/rapper returned to Instagram to accuse Doodie Lo of pressuring her to apologize.

“My hand was forced making that Live. I had no choice,” said FTN Bae. “My son was questioned with David [Doodie Lo] on the phone. And my son got scared and denied everything.”

She continued, “If I didn’t issue [an] apology he would have released the audio and manipulated the story even more AND I’M GENUINELY TIRED. I was backed into a corner. As soon as I got off Live my son came in my room cause he peed his pants, crying saying he’s scared and confused.

FTN Bae then posted footage of what she claims is another child who witnessed the alleged assault against her son. In the clips, a young girl named Alex can be heard saying she saw David chasing Wesley before making the boy cry.

“It’s too much details from both kids. When [Doodie Lo] ‘passed’ his test, me and Wesley [were] put on the spot. And my son LIED! HE LIED BECAUSE THE MAN WHO HE’S SAYING TOUCHED HIM IS ON THE PHONE AFTER PASSING A TEST,” posted FTN Bae on her Instagram Story.

The Maryland native added, “This is not getting dropped and will remain to be fought in court. My son’s nightmares are REAL. What Alex said she saw is REAL. The trauma that my son deals with emotionally is REAL. And I stand with the kid no matter what that n#### do.”

FTN Bae went on to claim she is still working with law enforcement to investigate her son’s allegations against Doodie Lo. She ended an IG Story post by writing, “That’s my last and [final] word and a n#### is not going to sit here and keep playing with my life and this s### like it’s a damn f###### joke.”