Comedian Bill Cosby’s criminal sex assault case may soon be revived in a judge acquiesces to the will of a Pennsylvania D.A. The prosecutor is making a bid to the U.S. Supreme Court to put the 84-year-old back behind prison bars to finish serving time on his 2018 drugging and molestation conviction.

According to ABC, four years ago, the man often called “America’s Dad” was convicted by a jury of slipping drugs to college sports administrator Andrea Constand in 2004 and then having nonconsensual sexual relations with her. He became the first, and one of the few celebrities, to be found guilty of these types of crimes in the #MeToo era.

Despite the conviction, Cosby was released in June of 2021 after Cosby’s team alleged to the judge that he believed he entered into an agreement with a former Pennsylvania D.A. that despite whatever he confessed, he would not be prosecuted.

With this understanding, he shared damning testimony that yielded to the court’s belief that he indeed abused at least one woman in 2005. That testimony, dug up illegally according to the defense, was a linchpin for his guilty verdict.

Last summer, however, a judge honored the original arrangement and let the disgraced funnyman out of jail.

Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, District Attorney Kevin Steele is trying to revive the case. Looking at the facts, Steele says that the written evidence of this nonprosecution promise is a 2005 news release from Bruce Castor and that that does not constitute an immunity agreement.

The Philadelphia comedian’s legal team is pushing for the justice to reject the inquiry. Cosby’s lawyer Jennifer Bonjean wrote in the 15-page response filed Monday, Jan. 31, “Notwithstanding the commonwealth’s warning of imminent catastrophic consequences, the Cosby holding will likely be confined to its own ‘rare, if not entirely unique’ set of circumstances, making review by this court particularly unjustified.”

People will learn more about Cosby by watching, as reported by, W. Kamau Bell’s new documentary that premiered in January at Sundance.

This story is developing.