Talk about icebergs! Frances Fisher‘s cold Ruth tried to force daughter Rose (Kate Winslet) into marriage with an abusive man so loathsome that Rose considered suicide!
Fisher once revealed how her costumes helped her in portraying the character.
“It was the easiest role to ever get into, because Deborah Scott, the magnificent costume designer, dressed us from the inside out. Having that corset on completely changes your breathing style and posture,” she told Vulture.
She continued, “Also the hairstyles. That was all my hair put up under a huge hat. That was another thing that contributes to a kind of grumpiness that I think Ruth had. Nobody could breathe correctly. There were not a lot of places where you could rest. Sitting down was difficult. The corset would dig into your body, and you couldn’t lean back — the hat was so big. They had all these resting boards for us, but nobody who had their hair up in a big hat could use them. The proportions were incorrect. So we did a lot of standing around.”