Miami detectives have revealed that they arrested Chicago rapper AAB Hellabandz’s alleged murderer.

Two years ago, the rapper was gunned down in the middle of the streets of South Beach.

The alleged shooter’s name is Austin Hall, a 26-year-old who came to Miam on Saturday, May 11, 2019, with the express intention to step to the “Hatn” rapper.

Surveillance video shows Hellabandz arriving in front of Cameo Night Club at 1445 Washington Ave. around 2 am.A little over half an hour later, the rapper is seen with a group of people walking east on Espanola Way.

A minute later, at 2:36 am, Hall got to the club accompanied by two other guys.Video shows him talking on a cell phone and then they walk towards Hellabandz and his party were moving.

Then it is seen rolling upon them and later stepping in front of the emerging entertainer. They get into a fight, the rapper runs, gets chased down, and then shots ring out. Hellabandz dodges a few bullets by running in the traffic.

Hall eventually catches him and shoots him in the back. The shooting is believed to be a retaliation for a shooting that Hellabandz committed up north.

The local officer investigating the homicide, Alberto Porro, said, ‘“It was pretty brazen to assassinate somebody in the middle of the street, next to a nightclub that was packed.”

This story is developing.