Just when you thought that troubled rapper Kodak Black was done with criminal activity and scrubbed clean of anything that might land him back in the slammer, he unknowingly committed a crime on social media.

By trying to embarrass a Broward County public official, he ended up with egg on his face.

The “Feeling Myself Today” rapper secretly recorded Commissioner Mark Bogen during a recent phone conversation.

According to the local 7 News affiliate WSVN, the official was calling to share his regrets for not supporting a proclamation slated to honor the rapper’s charity

He took the recording and posted it on his social media, garnishing upward of half a million views on his personal profiles.

Since then, it has been taken down.

Others have screen-grabbed the video and it has gone viral. The video shows the rapper sitting on a stool with two phones, wearing a black jacket, jeans, white sneaks, and a black “Make America Great Again” hat.

Too bad Donald Trump is no longer in office … he could use his help really soon.

The rapper may now be in hot water because, in the state of Florida, it is illegal to tape (film or audio record) someone without their consent.

Under F.S. Title XLVII, 934.03 (e),
”Intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication intercepted by means authorized by subparagraph (2)(a)2., paragraph (2)(b), paragraph (2)(c), s. 934.07, or s. 934.09 when that person knows or has reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of such a communication in connection with a criminal investigation, has obtained or received the information in connection with a criminal investigation, and intends to improperly obstruct, impede, or interfere with a duly authorized criminal investigation; shall be punished as provided in subsection (4).”