Throughout her career, Azealia Banks became a regular example of a “canceled” celebrity. Her political views, witchcraft practices, and offensive remarks caused the 30-year-old New Yorker to be flogged in the public square on multiple occasions.

Joe Rogan is the latest famous individual to face widespread backlash. Critics blasted The Joe Rogan Experience host for supposedly spreading COVID-19 misinformation and for a video montage of the 54-year-old comedian saying “n#####” repeatedly.

In response, Azealia Banks is now questioning why Joe Rogan seems to be getting a pass for his transgressions after apologizing. The Broke with Expensive Taste album creator took to Instagram to share her thoughts on the situation.

Banks wrote:

Damn, Joe Rogan is about to get a slap on the hand for being grown and knowing not to say the n-word and continue to prosper. I’m still being punished in adulthood for things I said as a kid and have repeatedly apologized for. This is not any attempt to garner sympathy but if he gets the room to learn from “mistakes” and we are acknowledging that people deserve second chances and room to grow, I would’ve really benefitted from having those same opportunities extended to me when I needed them most. I definitely needed that compassion, good will, and support on multiple occasions. Not a pity party but just even the tiniest bit of support could have changed my life on levels deeper than music.

@azealiabanks Instagram Story