Well, Jay-Z did say “Can’t Knock the Hustle.”

But he probably was not talking about when it came down to his own business.

He definitely didn’t think that his own cousin, Briant Biggs, would “hustle” over a million dollars from someone and then loop it to his famed Roc Nation business.

But that’s what it looks like happened. According to the Daily News, Biggs is being accused of working with a group that was out fundraising $1.5 million for a new subsidiary division of Roc Nation called Unanimous Games that focused on eSports and the video game industry.

Biggs promised to connect the management/ label’s star-studded roster to the projects developed in this department. But a new lawsuit filed by Ryan Collision, the president of Blueprint, said that none of that manifested.

Collision says he dropped $250,000 in March 2018, with the hopes of getting back on their investment. According to a Manhattan Federal Court, the company says that they have never got a dime from Roc Nation.

The suit also says that Biggs spoke directly to the team, after getting more time to pay their debt to Blueprint, and said that he was waiting for Unanimous/Roc Nation to get an influx of $5 million and from that pot, he would ante up.

It said, “Notably, Unanimous Games did not provide any tax returns, income state