Kehlani is a little upset no one in her family was shocked when she came out as a lesbian.
The singer confirmed she’s lesbian in a TikTok video she posted on Thursday (April 2nd) after a snippet of an Instagram Live, in which she opened up about her sexuality, went viral.
♬ original sound – Kehlani
“You know the video?” she said. “Well, it’s fuckking true. I am gay, g-gay, gay, gay…”
But the star admitted she would have liked members of her family to have been more surprised when she came out to them.
“When I want to have a heart to heart with my family, and be like, ‘I finally know that I’m gay’, they’re like, ‘We know, duh… stupid’, I just feel like, ‘No…, I want you (to) fall on the floor and (say), ‘Congratulations, we had no idea! S####!
“Everyone’s just like, ‘Duh, you’re the only one who didn’t fuckking know. The f###### closet was glass,” she said. “So I guess I just wanted y’all to know that everyone knew but me.”
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