Rap star T.I. hit a bump in the road – almost literally – which ended up in his arrest and Amsterdam.

T.I. is overseas with his wife tiny, as they celebrate 11 years of marital bliss together.

T.I. was riding a bike when and allegedly failed to stop before he rode across the street. As he was pedaling, the rapper was struck by a local police officer, who he said caused the accident.

The handlebar of T.I.s bike broke off the cop’s side mirror. According to T.I, he had his phone out, which was a violation and enough for the cop to attempt to question him.

“I’m obviously not supposed to have my phone as I’m biking and because the policeman ran into me… he was extremely upset, but me myself, I was having a great time still. So I’m locked up now,” the rapper said in an Instagram post from a jail cell in Amsterdam.

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T.I. said he didn’t realize he had done anything wrong and kept going until he heard the unmistakable voice of a police officer yelling shout.

Right now, it’s a little unclear who was at fault, but either way, T.I. was detained for not having a copy of his passport.

T.I. was released after less than 30 minutes.

But his trainer Emery Bernard failed him out because the cops would not accept the cash, which T.I. had plenty of, as evidenced by the thick stack of money he flashed during his explainer video to his 30 million fans.

Thankfully, Tip remained cool during the whole ordeal and said he was still having a “phenomenal time” despite the hiccup.