
Major hip-hop artists are always on the go and many A-list artists choose to fly private when traveling from state to state and country to country for tours and events. There’s a website that tracks every detail of celebrity private jets including those of Drake, Jay-Z and Travis Scott and more.

Website Tracks Celebrity Private Jets

There are numerous websites on the internet that allow civilians to track any plane in flight. However, celebrityprivatejettracker has narrowed down the search to famous people traversing the friendly skies including some of your favorite rappers.

In 2019, Drake was reportedly gifted a private jet, a Boing 767 that he dubbed “Air Drake,” which he’s used to travel the globe. In 2022, he faced backlash for reports that he took a 14-minute jet flight. There has been a lot of opposition to the use of private jets over the years after researchers found that it is the most polluting form of transport.

Drake responded ot the backlash, “This is just them moving planes to whatever airport they are being stored at for anyone who was interested in the logistics…nobody takes that flight.”

Drizzy isn’t the only rapper flying private on a regular basis. Jay-Z, Travis Scott and Diddy are on the website’s “leaderboard” of celebrities with the most private jet frequent flier miles. Other celebrities on the list include President-elect Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Kim Kardashian, Bill Gates, Taylor Swift and others.

Check out the flight details for rappers who most frequently fly privately in 2024 below.

See the Details of Drake, Jay-Z, Travis Scott and Diddy’s Private Jets