Surveillance video showing how up-and-coming rapper Baby Cino was a part of or connected to an ambush and killing has surfaced. 

Now officials believe the rapper’s death was retaliation for another shooting where almost 200 shots were let off, and one person was killed.

According to Miami-Dade Police, on Wednesday, February 16th, a doorbell video captured Troyvon Smith’s final moments in a Northwest Miami-Dade neighborhood before getting fatal shot by a crew of criminals.

The video revealed that the gunmen let off a hailstorm of bullets in broad daylight and struck and killed Smith as he sat in his car.

Detectives note that approximately four people were injured, and a couple of them were Baby Cino’s associates. One of the shooters accidentally shot someone down with them, the footage shows.

Two cars are seen riding up on the scene, and five me hopped out with assault rifles and shot at the people in the victim’s car and others who were also out of range.

In 36 seconds, 199 rounds were let loose, causing wreckage in the community on that sunny day. Now according to police, four of the five men who were identified in the video are in jail.

Three of the four have been charged with first-degree murder counts.

Police believe the fifth person in the video was Baby Cino, whose real name is Timothy Starks and who died a month later on March 16th.

As reported by, the 20-year-old rapper was murdered shortly after being released from jail. He was killed in a shooting on the Palmetto Expressway in Hialeah.

In a police report, investigators wrote, “The homicide of Timothy Starks Jr. is likely to be retaliation for the murder of victim Smith.”

The department also believes three of the suspects, also captured on surveillance video, for Smith’s death were connected to another crime, a hit-and-run near Brickell City Centre. 

As a result of this December 2021 incident, two college students were hurt.

Only one of them, Ameko Jacques, 23, has been charged in this case.

The remaining four men accused of the shooting, three of them brothers, are incarcerated at the Turner Guildford Knight Correctional Center in West Miami-Dade. 

They will stay behind bars until trial.