The song begins with a truly captivating voice of a mesmerizing woman singing a chorus. Throughout the piece, she continues to sing, which adds contrast to CG Naughty’s deep flow. The rapper himself delivers a fantastic performance with beautiful transitions between lyrics.

This song is a strong representation of Black families’ struggle caused by police brutality in the United States. This performance is one in which he truly shines. He manages to incorporate aspects of rap, humility, and empathy into one piece, which he delivers exceptionally well. 

“Look Into My Eyes” is beautiful on many levels – the transformation of painful experiences and stories into art. This song is clearly his most powerful work up to date. There is also a sense of vulnerability in his voice, something pretty scarce nowadays. A job well done. 

“I’m just praying they don’t get my life on the next traffic stop.” Goosebumps, goosebumps, and more goosebumps. Thank you CG Naughty, for letting us experience so many emotions throughout this performance. 

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