Jay Pharoah might have some competition when it comes to impersonating battle rap superstars. A virtual unknown, this battle rapper/ impressionist had the industry cracking up with these spot-on imitations.
Til Death Do Us Part is this weekend and the fever around it is bubbling. A newbie in the battle rap has made a way to get his name up by Jay Pharoahing the battles on this card.
I'm very hype for the card, lemme know which impression was y'all favorite lmao https://t.co/fWrBO6Anrd
People are loving it. Even the female battle rap outlet OTFMZ posted it.
And so a few of battle rap’s golden pens (and voices) commented and are now following! What a way to get that clout up.
The video of the wildly accurate impersonations has caused a sensation on Twitter.
Battle rap legend Tsu Surf’s response was hilarious, especially as he’s on the card! “I should PURPOSELY USE THIS,” he joked.
Real Sikh is also on the card and he found the skit equally amusing.
Influencer Swaggy C’s favorite impression was Twork.
“THIS IS BEYOND ELITE and waaaay too realistic for each battler. Twork had the best bar too as usual lmaooo”
Twork had the best bar too as usual lmaooo
Others were impressed by not only the impersonation skills but how good the bars were.
Pass, a battle rapper from the west coast commented: “Bruh I would hate for someone to make a parody video like this and actually say a bar I had written lollll I’d be mad af.”
This hilarious tho. Lil too accurate lol https://t.co/WnHVvwUuK2
Norfolk, VA battle rapper Ave joined in.
Media outlet Let’s Talk Battle Rap Battle Rap said simply, “Twitter has peaked for the rest of the week. Everyone just shut it down. please watch this!!”
Everyone just shut it down 🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥 please watch this!! https://t.co/ESeJS1m8I2
The talented artist, OppaFromDiscord, had been quietly making a name for himself within the battle rap community, the buzz just got a lot louder!
Watch the full skit below.